Why you should check and change your SEO regularly

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Category: Tips and Tricks
November 22, 2018
SEO when done effectively helps your website to soar up the rankings and rank high on the first page of google’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page). So the merits of doing SEO are clear and already established, but how often should one be doing SEO? The answer is often, quite often actually! SEO  is not something that works well when only done once and left to go stale. It needs to be done regularly as to keep it fresh and relevant. SEO is forever changing and not something that can just simply be done correctly, to keep up with competition you really need to keep up with your SEO therefore true SEO is forever an ongoing and ever changing process. Google is frequently changing its algorithms, which means that what worked a few months ago might not work anymore.  To combat this effectively you should be able to check, tweak, revise and adapt your SEO as often as necessary. Efficiently revising and freshening up your SEO on a regular basis can be done by doing the following:
  • Changing your Keywords
The keywords that are used by your target demographic won’t always stay the same so when you notice a change in the keywords that are popular you should update the keywords that you are incorporating on your website to match these which will then hopefully lead to an increase in your SEO performance.
  • Updating your SEO Meta Title and SEO Meta Descriptions to incorporate new keywords
When you are doing the previous point mentioned of updating the keywords that are incorporated throughout your website one of the main places where you will be incorporating these new keywords is through your SEO meta title and SEO meta description as well as in the content, old and new when you refresh it.
  • Freshening up old content
As mentioned above refreshing the content is one of the ways you can incorporate your keywords and this is great because it also gives you another opportunity to rework your content putting a new spin on it and hopefully improving it further by incorporating your new chosen keywords. This will also be seen by google as new “fresh” content so it will show that your website is still live and publishing new content which will aid you when it comes to ranking.
  • Amending bad back-links and creating new correct ones
When you are refreshing the actual word content you can also use it as an opportunity to review what back-links you have put in place. This is words in your text which when clicked on will redirect you to another page on the website. By reviewing the existing ones you can make sure that they are still linking correctly, this is important because if for whatever reason you had decided to delete a page that was being linked to but not remove the link to it then you would be left with a bad link which brings the user nowhere when clicked on, this will reflect badly for your SEO and your website will suffer for it. When you are happy that you have no bad links in place you can then look at opportunities for where you could possibly link to further by creating new back-links to drive traffic to where you wish to increase chances of conversions. Revisiting your SEO strategy and refreshing it shouldn’t be seen as a regular chore but rather as a fresh new opportunity every time to further improve your website’s SEO performance which can help lead to a more profitable and successful website. To find out more about excellent tools and SEO strategies to use to improve your website Contact 2Cubed today! You can also contact us on 01 905 8114 or 051-440425, email hello@2cubed.ie Please feel free to follow and interact with us on the following profiles. facebook icon twitter icon linkedin icon Instagram icon Google+ icon

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